
1KōjunAbe On equivariant Lipschitz homeomorphisms of $G$-manifolds with codimension one orbit.
2YuriyAminovElectronic movements and ruled surfaces.
3Mourad Ammar -jointly with Norbert Poncin
4Taras Banakh Homeomorphism groups of non-compact manifolds
5LidiaBazylevych Hyperspaces of max-plus convex sets which are infinite-dimensional manifolds
6Paolo Casati Vertex Operator construction of coupled soliton hierarchies
7Michel Nguiffo BoyomDifferential of superorder following Koszul and KV cohomology following Nijenhuis
8Juergen Eichhorn Hilbert diffeomorphism groups and their geometry for open manifolds
9Alexander Ermolitski The Poincare conjecture and a geometric model of "black hole"
10Yaël Frégier S-cohomologie vs Diagram cohomology
11JanuszGrabowskiHigher vector bundles and multigraded manifolds (joint work with M. Rotkiewicz)
12Boguslaw Hajduk Singular symplectic forms and round functions
13GrahamHallProjective Structure and the Principle of Equivalence in General Relativity
14Jean-ClaudeHausmannThe topology and geometry of polygon spaces
15JanJaworowski Maps of G-manifolds
16Guy Kass Examples of multiple solutions for the Yamabe problem on scalar curvature
17Alexei Kotov On some generalizations of the Poisson sigma model
18Agnieszka Kowalik -jointly with Ilona Michalik and Tomasz Rybicki
19Thomas Krantz Holonomy representations admitting two pairs of supplementary invariant subspaces
20Olga Kravchuk To Invariant Normales of Vector Field in Four-Dimmentional Affine Space
21Ewa Krot-Sieniawska Remarks on Extended Operator Calculus
22JanKubarskiFlat connections with singularities in some Lie algebroids
23Andrzej KrzysztofKwaśniewski On Ivan Bernoulli Series Universalissima
24RemiLeandre Deformation quantization in infinite dimensional analysis
25JacekLechFragmentations of the second kind in some diffeomorphism groups (jointly with Tomasz Rybicki)
26HelgeMaakestad Jetbundles on flagvarieties
27Sergiy Maksymenko Presentation for the fundamental groups of the orbits of Morse functions on surfaces
28RomanMatsyuk A note on the Lagrange differential in bigraded module of vertical tangent
29 Nataliia Mazurenko Hyperspaces of Riemannian manifolds related to the Hausdorff dimension
30Ilona Michalik On the reconstruction problem for some nontransitive homeomorphism groups (joint work with Agnieszka Kowalik and Tomasz Rybicki)
31PiotrMormul The least Underdetermined systems of ODEs - geometric approach of E.Cartan
32Yury VladimirovichMuranov Surgery on stratified manifolds
33Ihor Mykytyuk Orbits structure of co-adjoint action and bystages hypothesis
34BarbaraOpozda Affine special Lagrangian submanifolds of $\C ^n$
35ValentinOvsienko Projective structures on smooth manifolds: homotopy and invariant differential operators
36Alexander Pavlov An analogue of the Kazhdan’s property (T) for operator algebras
37Wolodymyr Pelykh Node points of Sen-Witten equations and positive energy theorem
38O. Petrenko Around Birkhoff Theorem
39NorbertPoncinPoisson cohomology and deformation quantization (jointly with Mourad Ammar)
40PaulPopescuTotally singular Lagrangians and affine hamiltonians
41IgorProtasov Topological groups through the looking glass
42Nazar Pyrch Generalized retracts concerned to free topoplogical groups
43FabianRadoux Natural and projectively equivariant quantization
44AlexandreRodriguesInvolutive Lie Pseudogroups and Filtered Lie Algebras
45Mikolaj Rotkiewicz-jointly with Janusz Grabowski
46Matatyahu RubinRecovering a foliated manifold from its homeomorphism group
47TomaszRybicki-jointly with Jacek Lech
48WillySarletGeometric calculus associated to second-order dynamics and applications
49Oryslava Shabat Manifolds modeled on the direct limits of Tychonov cubes
50VladimirSharkoFlows and L-2 invariant
51Aleksandr NikolayevichSharkovsky A little from history, a little from topology and dynamical systems
52DavidSzeghyThe order of the differentablity of horizons
53JanosSzentheOn stable orbit types of isometric actions on Lorentz manifolds
54Petro Tadeev The Bases of Differential Geometry of Vector Field in n-dimensional space of Affine Connection
55NicolaeTelemanModified Hochschild and Periodic Cyclic Homology
56MuratTosunOn the Sectional Curvatures of Time Like Generalized Ruled Surfaces in $IR_1^n$
57 RostislavVoytsitskyy ANR-property of hyperspaces with the Attouch-Wets topology
58IrynaYurchukAbout topological equivalence of some functions
59MichaelZarichnyiUniversal maps of infinite-dimensional manifolds
60Ihor ZarichnyiTopological classification of the hyperspaces of closed convex subsets of a Banach space (Joint talk with T. Banakh)