1 | Kojun | Abe | "On the first homology group of the group of diffeomorphisms of a smooth orbifold and its applications" |
2 | Abdelouahab | Arouche | "Restriction properties of equivariant K-theory rings" |
3 | Bogdan | Balcerzak | "Secondary characteristic classes for extensions of anchored Leibniz algebras" |
4 | Marcin | Bobienski | "On SO(3) geometry in dimension five" (joint work with P. Nurowski) |
5 | Serge | Bogdanovich | - |
6 | Maciej | Borodzik | "Classification of complex plane affine algebraic curves with zero Euler Characteristic" (with Henryk Żołądek) |
7 | Ronnie | Brown | "Local-to-global, Higher dimensions: Three themes in the work of Charles Ehresmann" |
8 | Beniamino | Cappelletti Montano | "On Legendrian foliations on almost S-manifolds" |
9 | Andree | Ehresmann | (the widow), "How Charles Ehresmann's vision of Geometry developed with time" will be read by Ronnie Brown |
10 | Juergen | Eichhorn | "Characteristic numbers and the Novikov conjecture for open manifolds" |
11 | Alexander | Ermolitski | "On universality of Kaehlerian manifold" |
12 | Janusz | Grabowski | "Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology of some infinite-dimensional algebras of geometric origin" (together with Norbert Poncin) |
13 | Sarah | Hansoul | "Existence of natural and projectively equivariant quantizations" |
14 | Jean-Claude | Hausmann | "Control of robot arms and Moebius transformation" |
15 | Johannes" | Huebschmann | "Stratified Kaehler structures on adjoint quotients" |
16 | Josef | Janyska | "Higher order Utiama's theorem" |
17 | Giorgi | Khimshiashvili | "Loop spaces and Riemann-Hilbert problems" (joint results with B.Bojarski) |
18 | Anders | Kock | "Pregroupoids and their enveloping groupoids" |
19 | Ivan | Kolar | "Functorial Prolongations of Lie Groupoids" |
20 | Jan | Kubarski | - |
21 | Remi | Leandre | "Stochastic Poisson-sigma model" |
22 | Jacek | Lech | "Perfectness at infinity of diffeomorphism groups on open manifolds"(with T. Rybicki) |
23 | Pierre | Lecomte | "From a euclidian space to Cartan geometries: how to rebuild differential operator from their principal symbol?" |
24 | Paulette | Libermann | "Ehresmann's concepts in Differential Geometry" |
25 | Sergey | Maksymenko | "Homotopy type of stabilizers and orbits of Morse functions on surfaces" |
26 | Charles-Michel | Marle | "The works of Charles Ehresmann on connections: from Cartan connections to connections on fibre bundles and their modern applications" |
27 | Gael | Meigniez | "The nature of fibrations and of bundles" |
28 | Alexandr | Mishchenko | (Minicourse, 3 lectures) "K-theory over C*-algebras" |
29 | Bertrand | Monthubert | "Groupoids and Index Theory in the singular manifolds setting" |
30 | Piotr | Mormul | "Nilpotent algebras hidden in special multi-flags" |
31 | Ryszard | Nest | "The geometry of the calculus of Fourier integral operators" |
32 | Igor | Nikonov | "On Hopf-type cyclic cohomology with coefficients" |
33 | Andriy | Panasyuk | "Algebraic Nijenhuis operators and Kronecker Poisson pencils" |
34 | Krzysztof | Pawałowski | "A proof of the Laitinen Conjecture" |
35 | Norbert | Poncin | "On the Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology of some infinite-dimensional algebras of geometric origin" together with Janusz Grabowski |
36 | Paul | Popescu | "On the high order geometry on osculator spaces and anchored vector bundles."(with M. Popescu), "On the lie pseudoalgebra generated by an anchored module" (with M.Popescu) |
37 | Jean | Pradines | "In Ehresmann's footsteps: From Group Geometries to Groupoid Geometries" |
38 | Anatolij | Prykarpatski | "Ergodic measures of Boole type dynamical systems on axis: analytical aspects" (with Jacek Feldman) |
39 | Alexandre | Rodrigues | "Contact and Equivalence of Sub Manifolds of Homogeneous Spaces" |
40 | Dmitry | Roytenberg | "Higher Lie algebras in Poisson geometry and elsewhere" |
41 | Tomasz | Rybicki | "Commutators of equivariant homeomorphisms on $G$-manifolds with one orbit type" |
42 | Michal | Sadowski | "Complete flat manifolds" |
43 | Pavol | Severa | "Dirac structures and deformation quantization" |
44 | Vladimir | Sharko | "The $L^2$-invariants and non-singular Morse-Smale flows on manifolds" |
45 | Zoran | Skoda | "Equivariant sheaves and torsors beyond groupoids" |
46 | David | Szeghy | "Conjugate and focal points in semi-Riemann geometry" |
47 | Janos | Szenthe | "Invariant Lagrangians on homogeneous manifolds" |
48 | Nicolae | Teleman | "Linear Quasi-connections" |
49 | Włodzimierz | Tulczyjew | "Modernization of Ehresmann jet theory" |
50 | Cornelia | Vizman | "A geometric construction for abelian Lie group extensions" |
51 | Paweł | Walczak | "Compact foliations with finite LS-category" |
52 | Robert | Wolak | "Minimality and Poincare duality for basic cohomology of singular riemannian foliations" |
53 | Weiping | Zhang | "Bergman kernel and symplectic reduction" |
54 | Nina | Zhukova | "Ehresmann connections and holonomy groups for singular foliations" |
55 | Michel | Zisman | "Quasi-commutative cochains in Algebraic Topology" |
56 | Henryk | Żołądek | "Classification of complex plane affine algebraic curves with zero Euler Characteristic" (with M. Borodzik) |