
Nr Name Surname Title Abstract Mail HTTP
1KojunAbe"On the first homology group of the group of diffeomorphisms of a smooth orbifold and its applications"
2AbdelouahabArouche"Restriction properties of equivariant K-theory rings"
3BogdanBalcerzak"Secondary characteristic classes for extensions of anchored Leibniz algebras"
4MarcinBobienski"On SO(3) geometry in dimension five" (joint work with P. Nurowski)
6MaciejBorodzik"Classification of complex plane affine algebraic curves with zero Euler Characteristic" (with Henryk Żołądek)
7RonnieBrown"Local-to-global, Higher dimensions: Three themes in the work of Charles Ehresmann"
8BeniaminoCappelletti Montano"On Legendrian foliations on almost S-manifolds"
9AndreeEhresmann(the widow), "How Charles Ehresmann's vision of Geometry developed with time" will be read by Ronnie Brown
10JuergenEichhorn"Characteristic numbers and the Novikov conjecture for open manifolds"
11AlexanderErmolitski"On universality of Kaehlerian manifold"
12JanuszGrabowski"Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology of some infinite-dimensional algebras of geometric origin" (together with Norbert Poncin)
13SarahHansoul"Existence of natural and projectively equivariant quantizations"
14Jean-ClaudeHausmann"Control of robot arms and Moebius transformation"
15Johannes"Huebschmann"Stratified Kaehler structures on adjoint quotients"
16JosefJanyska"Higher order Utiama's theorem"
17GiorgiKhimshiashvili"Loop spaces and Riemann-Hilbert problems" (joint results with B.Bojarski)
18AndersKock"Pregroupoids and their enveloping groupoids"
19IvanKolar"Functorial Prolongations of Lie Groupoids"
21RemiLeandre"Stochastic Poisson-sigma model"
22JacekLech"Perfectness at infinity of diffeomorphism groups on open manifolds"(with T. Rybicki)
23PierreLecomte"From a euclidian space to Cartan geometries: how to rebuild differential operator from their principal symbol?"
24PauletteLibermann"Ehresmann's concepts in Differential Geometry"
25SergeyMaksymenko"Homotopy type of stabilizers and orbits of Morse functions on surfaces"
26Charles-MichelMarle"The works of Charles Ehresmann on connections: from Cartan connections to connections on fibre bundles and their modern applications"
27GaelMeigniez"The nature of fibrations and of bundles"
28AlexandrMishchenko(Minicourse, 3 lectures) "K-theory over C*-algebras"
29BertrandMonthubert"Groupoids and Index Theory in the singular manifolds setting"
30PiotrMormul"Nilpotent algebras hidden in special multi-flags"
31RyszardNest"The geometry of the calculus of Fourier integral operators"
32IgorNikonov"On Hopf-type cyclic cohomology with coefficients"
33AndriyPanasyuk"Algebraic Nijenhuis operators and Kronecker Poisson pencils"
34KrzysztofPawałowski"A proof of the Laitinen Conjecture"
35NorbertPoncin"On the Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology of some infinite-dimensional algebras of geometric origin" together with Janusz Grabowski
36PaulPopescu"On the high order geometry on osculator spaces and anchored vector bundles."(with M. Popescu), "On the lie pseudoalgebra generated by an anchored module" (with M.Popescu)
37JeanPradines"In Ehresmann's footsteps: From Group Geometries to Groupoid Geometries"
38AnatolijPrykarpatski"Ergodic measures of Boole type dynamical systems on axis: analytical aspects" (with Jacek Feldman)
39AlexandreRodrigues"Contact and Equivalence of Sub Manifolds of Homogeneous Spaces"
40DmitryRoytenberg"Higher Lie algebras in Poisson geometry and elsewhere"
41TomaszRybicki"Commutators of equivariant homeomorphisms on $G$-manifolds with one orbit type"
42MichalSadowski"Complete flat manifolds"
43PavolSevera"Dirac structures and deformation quantization"
44VladimirSharko"The $L^2$-invariants and non-singular Morse-Smale flows on manifolds"
45ZoranSkoda"Equivariant sheaves and torsors beyond groupoids"
46DavidSzeghy"Conjugate and focal points in semi-Riemann geometry"
47JanosSzenthe"Invariant Lagrangians on homogeneous manifolds"
48NicolaeTeleman"Linear Quasi-connections"
49WłodzimierzTulczyjew"Modernization of Ehresmann jet theory"
50CorneliaVizman"A geometric construction for abelian Lie group extensions"
51PawełWalczak"Compact foliations with finite LS-category"
52RobertWolak"Minimality and Poincare duality for basic cohomology of singular riemannian foliations"
53WeipingZhang"Bergman kernel and symplectic reduction"
54NinaZhukova"Ehresmann connections and holonomy groups for singular foliations"
55MichelZisman"Quasi-commutative cochains in Algebraic Topology"
56HenrykŻołądek"Classification of complex plane affine algebraic curves with zero Euler Characteristic" (with M. Borodzik)