Jan Kubarski
Publikacje, wykłady konferencyjne, wizyty naukowe/Publications, conference lectures, Lectures at Research Institutions


89 Cyclic Čech-Hochschild bicomplex, special issue of Miskolc Mathematical Notes, in print,
Proceedings "8-th Workshop: Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics" Brno, 12 till Sept.14 2012. Czech Republic
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88 (with Bogdan Balcerzak) The Koszul homomorphism for a pair of Lie algebras in the theory of exotic characteristic classes of Lie algebroids,
Topology and its Applications, in print,
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87 Egyptian fractions and their modern continuation,
Lecture, "International Conference dedicated to 120-th anniversary of Stefan Banach" Lviv, September 17-21, 2012, Ukraine

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86 Cyclic Čech-Hochschild bicomplex,
Lecture, "8-th Workshop: Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics" Brno University of Technology, from Sept. 12 till Sept.14. Czech Republic

85 Koszul complexes and Chevalley's theorems for Lie algebroids,
Lecture, "BRASILIAN-POLISH TOPOLOGY, WORKSHOP" Toruń: July 09-13, 2012, Poland

84 (with Bogdan Balcerzak) Some Exotic Characteristic Homomorphism for Lie Algebroids, Topology and its Applications 159 (2012) 1853–1862
Topology Appl format pdf abstract


83 Homotopy in the category of Lie algebroids and applications to characteristic classes,
Lecture, "Israeli-Polish mathematical meeting" Łódź, September 11-15, 2011, Poland

82 Infinitesimal Čech-Hochschild bicomplex,
Lecture, "Analysis, Topology and Applications (in celebration of Professor A.S.Mishchenko's 70th birthday)" Harbin, August 21-28, 2011, China

81 Topology of the Cyclic Čech-Hochschild Double Complex CH^?,
Lecture, "Pakistan, International Conference on Topology and Its Applications, ICTA 2011" Islamabad July 4, 2011 to July 10, 2011, Pakistan

80 Cyclic Čech-Hochschild bicomplex in noncommutartive geometry of smooth manifolds, and its topology.
Lecture, Geometry of Manifolds and Mathematical Physics (to celebrate the 80th birthday of Włodzimierz Tulczyjew) International Conference on Topology and its Applications, Kraków 27th June 2011 - 1st July 2011, Poland


79 Linear direct connections in Lie groupoids, their underlying linear connections and characteristic classes.
Lecture, 2010 International Conference on Topology and its Applications, June 26-30, 2010, Nafpaktos, Greece

78 Representation of Principal Fibre Bundles on Vector Bundles and Applications to Characteristic Classes.
Invited speaker, International Conference on Differential Geometry, Noncommutative Geometry and Physics, Ancona, ITALIA, 26 - 30 April 2010

77 Category of Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids.
Invited speaker, Minicourse 4 hours, The Eight International Workshop, Applied Category Theory Graph-Operad-Logic, TEPIC, Estado Nayarit, México - January 9-16, 2010


76 The signature operator for graded Hilbert subdifferential Hodge spaces and L2-Hirzebruch operators for Lie algebroids, .
Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, FASCICULUS XLVII, 2009, pp. 87-122..
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75 The signature operator for graded Hilbert subdifferential Hodge spaces.

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74 with Alexandr Mishchenko, Algebraic aspects of the Hirzebruch signature operator and applications to transitive Lie algebroids, .
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2009, pp. 413–428.
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73 The signature of Lipschitz manifolds from more general point of view and applications to Lie algebroids.

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72 Lie Groupoid's point of view of linear direct connections and characteristic classes.
POISSON GEOMETRY IN MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS, July 7-11, 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland,

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71 Hirzebruch signature operator for transitive Lie algebroids.
Proceedings of the 10th International in Honour of Leonhard Euler, Conference on Differential Geometry and Its Applications, Olomouc, Czech Republic, August 2007; 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 317–328.
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70 Hirzebruch signature operator, algebraic aspects, applications to Lie algebroids
Invited speaker (grant of the University of Luxembourg), ALGEBRAIC ASPECTS IN GEOMETRY, 17-23 October 2007 - Będlewo, Poland

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69 Hirzebruch signature operators for transitive Lie algebroids
Invited speaker, Plenary Lecture Conference N. Teleman's 65th Birthday Celebration, 19 - 22 September 2007, Polytechnical University from Ancona, Italy,

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68 Signature of transitive Lie algebroids
Invited speaker, 10th International Conference on Differential Geometry and Its Applications In honour of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Leonhard Euler, August 27–31, 2007, Department of Algebra and Geometry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic

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67 Foliations in commutative algebras
Lecture, 6th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine July 1-7, 2007, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine

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66 Flat connections with isolated singularities in some transitive Lie algebroids
Plenary Lecture, 8th Conference on Geometry and Topology of Manifolds (Luxembourg-Poland-Ukraine conference, Lie algebroids, dynamical systems and applications) Przemyśl (Poland) – L'viv (Ukraine) 30.04.07 - 6.05.2007

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65 with Nicolae Teleman, Linear Direct Connections.
GEOMETRY AND TOPOLOGY OF MANIFOLDS, The Mathematical Legacy of Charles Ehresmann, Banach Center Publicationes, Volume 76, p. 425-436, IMPAN Warszawa 2007.
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64 Hirzebruch formula for Lie algebroids
Lecture (visiting Professor) at M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Geometry and Topology, seminar of Prof. A.S.Mishchenko, February 2007,

63 Linear direct connections in Lie groupoids, curvature and characteristic classes,
Lecture, International Conference, OPERATOR ALGEBRAS AND TOPOLOGY, Moscow, January 29 - February 03, 2007,

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62 g-locally conformal symplectic structures,
Lecture (Poster), Poisson 2006, Poisson Geometry in Mathematics and Physics, Tokyo, June 5 - 9, 2006, The talk is based on the paper [53]

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61 The Euler-Poincare-Hopf theorem for flat connections in some transitive Lie algebroids
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2006, p. 359-376.
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60 with Bogdan Balcerzak, New question in the flat secondary characteristic classes, Lie algebroids approach
Lecture, C*-algebras and elliptic theory. II January 23 - 28, 2006, Będlewo, Poland,

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59 Primary and flat secondary characteristic classes for Lie algebroids, review and problems
Journal Travaux Mathématiques, University of Luxembourg, Fascicule XVI 2005, p. 237-254,
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58 Linear quasi-connections and curvature
Lecture (visiting Professor) at Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, ITALIA, seminar of Prof. Nicola Teleman, December 2005,

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57 Nonunital Lie-Rinehart algebras
Lecture, 5th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine July 20-27 2005, Odessa, Ukraine,

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56 Locally conformal symplectic structures and their generalizations
Lecture (visiting Professor) at M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Differential Geometry and Applications, seminar of Prof. A.Fomenko, December 2004,The talk is based on the paper [53]

55 On characteristic classes in the theory of Lie algebroids
Lecture (visiting Professor) at M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Geometry and Topology, seminar of Prof. A.S.Mishchenko, December 2004,

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54 Universal secondary characteristic homomorphism of pairs of regular Lie Algebroids
Lecture (Poster), 4th Conference on POISSON GEOMETRY June 7-11, 2004, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg ,

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53 with Roman Kadobianski, Locally conformal symplectic structures and their generalizations from the point of view of Lie algebroids
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis, Studia Mathematica IV, Vol. 23, 2004, (87-102), The Volume dedicated on the 70th birthday anniversary of Prof. Andrzej Zajtz.
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52 with Alexandr Mishchenko, Nondegenerate cohomology pairing for transitive Lie algebroids, characterization
Central European Journal of Mathematics Vol. 2(5), p. 1-45, 2004, 663-707.
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51 with Alexandr Mishchenko, From Poincare duality to Evens-Lu-Weinstein pairing
Lecture, C*-algebras and Ellipticity Conference, (Geometric Analysis Research Training Network) 23 - 28 February 2004, Będlewo, Poland, The talk is based on the paper [52],

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50 with Tomasz Rybicki, Local and nice structures of the groupoid of an equivalence relation
Cahiers de Topologie et Geométrie Differentielle categoriques, 45, 1, 2004, 23-34.
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49 with Alexandr Mishchenko, Lie Algebroids: Spectral Sequences and Signature
Matem. Sbornik 194, No 7, 2003, 127-154.
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48 with R.Kadobianski, Locally conformal symplectic structures and their generalizations from the point of view of Lie algebroids
Lecture, Current Geometry 2003, the IV edition of the international conference on problems and trends of contemporary geometry. June 25--28 in Naples

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47 with Alexandr Mishchenko, On signature of transitive unimodular Lie algebroids
Doklady Mathematical Sciences_68_5/1_2003, 166-169.
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46 with R. Kadobianski, V. Kushnirevitch and R.Wolak Transitive Lie algebroids of rank 1 and locally conformal symplectic structures
Journal of Geometry and Physics 46 (2003) 151-158.
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45 Lie algebroids: spectral sequences and signature
Lecture, SATELLITE CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY, Suzhou University, Suzhou, CHINA, Aug. 30 - Sep. 4, 2002.

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44 with Mishchenko Alexandr, Signature of some transitive Lie algebroids
Lecture, INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICS, , Beijing 2002, CHINA, 20-28 August, 2002.

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43 Secondary Characteristic classes for Lie algebroids: a unification
Plenary Lecture, SATELLITE CONFERENCE ON DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND GLOBAL ANALYSIS, Nankai Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin, China, August 16-18.

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42 with B.Balcerzak and W.Walas Endomorphisms of the Lie Algebroids TM×g up to Homotopy
Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, Fasciculus XL, 2002, 215-223.
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41 Poincare duality for transitive unimodular invariantly oriented Lie algebroids
Topology Appl., Vol 121, 3, June 2002, 333-355
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40 Connections for pairs of Lie algebroids
Plenary Lecture, 8th International Conference on Differential Geometry and its Applications, August 27-31, 2001, Opava, Czech Republic.
Abstract: The talk is based on the paper [38], more recent results were also included.

39 The Weil algebra and the secondary characteristic homomorphism of regular Lie algebroids.
Lie Algebroids and Related Topics in Differential Geometry, Banach Center Publicationes, Volume 54, 135-173, IMPAN Warszawa 2001.
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38 with B.Balcerzak and W.Walas Primary characteristic homomorphism of pairs of Lie algebroids and Mackenzie algebroid
Lie Algebroids and Related Topics in Differential Geometry, Banach Center Publicationes, Volume 54, 71-97, IMPAN Warszawa 2001.
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37 Gysin sequence and Euler class of spherical Lie algebroids
Publicationes Mathematicae, Debrecen, Tomus 59, (2001), Fasc. 3-4, 245-269.
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36 Representations of Lie algebroids and characteristic classes
Lecture, The Fourth International Conference SYMMETRY IN NONLINEAR MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, July 9-15, 2001, Kyiv, Ukraine.
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35 The Euler-Poincare-Hopf theorem for some regular R-Lie algebroids
"Proceedings of the I Colloquium on Lie Theory and Applications",Vigo, SPAIN, 17-22 July, 2000. University of Vigo, 2002.
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34 with Walas Witold, Mackenzie algebroid
Poster 514, 3rd EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICS, Barcelona, SPAIN, 10-14 July, 2000.

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33 Cohomology of some Lie algebroids and differential equations
Lecture, II conf. GEOMETRY AND TOPOLOGY OF MANIFOLDS, Krynica, 24-29 IV 1999.

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32 Connections in regular Poisson manifolds over R-Lie foliations
POISSON GEOMETRY, Banach Center Publications, Volume 51, Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa 2000.
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31 Algebroid Liego rozmaito¶ci Poissona z foliacj± charakterystyczn± kowymiaru 1
Lecture (Polish), I Konferencja GEOMETRIA I TOPOLOGIA ROZMAITO¦CI, Konopnica, 26-29 III 1998.

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30 Algebroid nature of the secondary characteristic classes
Lecture, DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, St.Petersburg State Technical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 1998, June 15-20.

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29 Algebroid nature of the characteristic classes of flat bundles
Homotopy and Geometry, Banach Center Publications, Volume 45, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa 1998, 199-224.
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28 Fibre integral in regular Lie algebroids
New Developments in Differential Geometry, Budapest 1996, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, Dordrecht, 1999, 173-202. Proceedings of the Conference on Differential Geometry, Budapest, Hungary, 27-30 July 1996.
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27 Index Theorem for flat connections with singularities
Lecture during the Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Geometry, PUC - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 31 July - 9 August 1996.

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For details see [42]

26 Euler-Poicare-Hopf Theorem for flat connections
Poster, 2nd European Congress of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary 21-27 July 1996.

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25 Bott's Vanishing Theorem for Lie Algebroids
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 348, Nu 6, June 1996.
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24 Representations of Principal Bundles on Vector Bundles
Lecture, Foliations, Geometry and dynamics, Warszawa 29 maj - 2 czerwiec 1995.

23 Gysin Sequence of some Lie algebroids
Lecture, Colloque Trajectorien, Strasbourg-Obernai, France 12-16 June 1995.

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22 Invariant Cohomology of Regular Lie Algebroids
ANALYSIS and GEOMETRY in FOLIATED MANIFOLDS, World Scientific, Singapure 1995, 137-151; Proceedings of the VII International Collóquium on Differential Geometry, Santiago de Compostela, Spain 26-30 July, 1994.
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21 Tangential Chern-Weil homomorphism
GEOMETRIC STUDY OF FOLIATIONS, World Scientific, Singapure, 1994, 327-344; Proceedings of the International Symposium/Workshop, 15-26 Nov 1993, Tokyo, Japan.
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20 Characteristic classes of regular Lie algebroids – a sketch
The Proceedings of the Winter School on Geometry and Physics, SRNI, January 1991, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II - numero 30 - anno 1993, 71-94.
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19 Characteristic homomorphisms of regular Lie algebroids
Poster, (invited as a fellowship) European Congress of Mathematics, Paris, July 6-10, 1992.

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18 A criterion for the Minimal Closedness of the Lie Subalgebra Corresponding to a Connected Nonclosed Lie Subgroup
REVISTA MATEMATICA de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Vol 4, nú 2 y 3, 1991.
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17 The Chern-Weil Homomorphism of regular Lie Algebroids
REPRINT (habilitation work): UNIVERSITE CLAUDE BERNARD – LYON 1, Publications du Départment de Mathématiques, nouvelle série, 1991, 1-70.
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16 About Stefan's definition of a foliation with singularities: a reduction of the axioms
Bull. Soc. math. France, 118, 1990, p.391-394.
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15 Lie algebroid of a principal fibre bundle
UNIVERSITE CLAUDE BERNARD-LYON 1, Publications du Departement de Mathematiques, Fascicule 1/A - 1989, p. 1-67.
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14 Pontryagin algebra of a transitive Lie algebroid
Proceedings of the Winter School on Geometry and Physics, SRNI, 7-14 January, 1989, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II - numero 22 - 1989, 117-126.
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13 Some invariants of Lie algebroids of principal fibre bundles
Proceedings of the Winter School on Geometry and Physics, SRNI, 9-16 January, 1988, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II - numero 21 - 1989, 235-258.

12 Lie algebroid of a principal fibre bundle – three equivalent definitions
Prace naukowe Politechniki Szczecińskiej, Nr 11, Instytut Matematyki, 1988, 123-145.


11 Pradines-type groupoids
Proceedings of the Winter School on Geometry and Physics, SRNI, 10-17 January, 1987, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II - numero 16 - 1987, 125-143.
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10 Some generalization of Godement's theorem on division
Proceedings of the Winter School on Geometry and Physics, SRNI, 10-17 January, 1987, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II - numero 16 - 1987, 119-124.
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9 Exponential mapping for Lie groupoids. Applications
Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol.LIV, 1987, Fasc.1, 39-48.
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8 Characteristic classes of some Pradines-type groupoids and a generalization of the Bott Vanishing Theorem
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Proceedings of the Conference, August 24-30, 1986, Brno, Czechoslovakia, 189-198.
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7 Pradines-type groupoids over foliations; cohomology, connections and the Chern-Weil homomorphism
Preprint Nr 2, August 1986, Institute of Mathematics, Technical University of ŁódĽ.
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6 Smooth groupoids over foliations and their algebroids
Preprint Nr 1, May 1986, Institute of Mathematics, Technical University of ŁódĽ.
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5 Complete differentials of higher order in linear field modules
Annales Polonici Mathematici, XLIV, 1984, 129-153.
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4 Exponential mapping for Lie groupoids
Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol.XLVII, 1982, Fasc.2, 267-282.
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3 Topological Lie subgroupoids
Demostratio Mathematica, Vol.XIII, No3, 1980, 585-596.
Abstract: This paper concerns the general theory of Lie groupoids. It is a continuation of [4] above.


2 with Kowalczyk Adam, A local property of the subspaces of Euclidean differential spaces Demostratio Mathematica, Vol. XI, No4, 1978, 875-885.
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1 The Lie Groupoids and Lie Algebroids in Differential Geometry of higher order
REPRINT: Czechoslovakian-GDR-Polish Scientific School on Differential Geometry, Boszkowo, Poland, February 1-10, 1978, Scientific communications, Part 2, 135-146.
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