Jan Kubarski
Publikacje /Publications
45 |
Cyclic Èech-Hochschild bicomplex,
special issue of Miskolc Mathematical Notes, in print,
Proceedings "8-th Workshop: Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics" Brno, 12 till Sept.14 2012. Czech Republic format pdf conference photo
44 |
(with Bogdan Balcerzak) The Koszul homomorphism for a pair of Lie algebras in the theory of
exotic characteristic classes of Lie algebroids,
Topology and its Applications, in print, format pdf abstract
43 |
(wspó³autor Bogdan Balcerzak) Some Exotic Characteristic Homomorphism for Lie Algebroids,
Topology and its Applications 159 (2012) 1853–1862
Topology Appl format pdf abstract
[42] | The signature operator for graded Hilbert
subdifferential Hodge spaces and L2-Hirzebruch operators for Lie algebroids, . Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, FASCICULUS XLVII, 2009, pp. 87-122. format pdf abstract |
[41] | with Alexandr Mishchenko,
Algebraic aspects of the Hirzebruch
signature operator and applications to transitive Lie algebroids, . [Lf] Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2009, pp. 413–428. format pdf format RJMP pdf abstract |
[40] |
Hirzebruch signature operator for transitive Lie algebroids. Proceedings of the 10th International in Honour of Leonhard Euler, Conference on Differential Geometry and Its Applications, Olomouc, Czech Republic, August 2007; 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 317–328. format pdf abstract |
[39] | with Nicolae Teleman,
Linear Direct Connections. GEOMETRY AND TOPOLOGY OF MANIFOLDS, The Mathematical Legacy of Charles Ehresmann, Banach Center Publicationes, Volume 76, p. 425-436, IMPAN Warszawa 2007. format pdf abstract |
[38] |
The Euler-Poincare-Hopf theorem for flat connections in some transitive Lie algebroids [Lf] Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2006, p. 359-376. format pdf abstract
[37] |
Primary and flat secondary characteristic classes for Lie algebroids, review and problems Journal Travaux Mathématiques, University of Luxembourg, Fascicule XVI 2005, p. 237-254, format pdf abstract
[36] |
with Roman Kadobianski, Locally conformal symplectic structures and their generalizations from the
point of view of Lie algebroids Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis, Studia Mathematica IV, Vol. 23, 2004, (87-102), The Volume dedicated on the 70th birthday anniversary of Prof. Andrzej Zajtz. format dvi format ps format pdf abstract |
[35] | with Alexandr Mishchenko,
Nondegenerate cohomology pairing for transitive Lie algebroids, characterization [Lf] Central European Journal of Mathematics Vol. 2(5), p. 1-45, 2004, 663-707. format pdf format CEJM pdf abstract |
[34] | with Tomasz Rybicki,
Local and nice structures of the groupoid of an equivalence relation Cahiers de Topologie et Geométrie Differentielle categoriques, 45, 1, 2004, 23-34. format dvi format ps format pdf abstract |
[33] | with Alexandr Mishchenko,
Lie Algebroids: Spectral Sequences and Signature [Lf] Matem. Sbornik 194, No 7, 2003, 127-154. format dvi format pdf Russian version format pdf English version format ps abstract |
[32] | with Alexandr Mishchenko,
On signature of transitive unimodular Lie algebroids [Lf] Doklady Mathematical Sciences_68_5/1_2003, 166-169. format dvi format pdf Russian version abstract |
[31] |
with R. Kadobianski, V. Kushnirevitch and R.Wolak Transitive Lie algebroids of rank 1 and locally conformal symplectic structures
[Lf] Journal of Geometry and Physics 46 (2003) 151-158. format dvi format ps abstract |
[30] |
with B.Balcerzak and W.Walas Endomorphisms of the Lie Algebroids TM×g up to Homotopy Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, Fasciculus XL, 2002, 215-223. format pdf abstract |
[29] |
Poincare duality for transitive unimodular invariantly oriented Lie algebroids [Lf] Topology Appl., Vol 121, 3, June 2002, 333-355 format dvi format ps abstract | [28] |
The Euler-Poincare-Hopf theorem for some regular R-Lie algebroids "Proceedings of the I Colloquium on Lie Theory and Applications",Vigo, SPAIN, 17-22 July, 2000. University of Vigo, 2002. format dvi format ps abstract |
[27] |
The Weil algebra and the secondary characteristic homomorphism of regular Lie algebroids. Lie Algebroids and Related Topics in Differential Geometry, Banach Center Publicationes, Volume 54, 135-173, IMPAN Warszawa 2001. format dvi format ps abstract |
[26] |
with B.Balcerzak and W.Walas Primary characteristic homomorphism of pairs of Lie algebroids and Mackenzie algebroid Lie Algebroids and Related Topics in Differential Geometry, Banach Center Publicationes, Volume 54, 71-97, IMPAN Warszawa 2001. format dvi format ps abstract |
[25] |
Gysin sequence and Euler class of spherical Lie algebroids [Lf] Publicationes Mathematicae, Debrecen, Tomus 59, (2001), Fasc. 3-4, 245-269. format dvi format ps abstract |
[24] |
Connections in regular Poisson manifolds over R-Lie foliations POISSON GEOMETRY, Banach Center Publications, Volume 51, Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa 2000. format dvi format ps abstract |
[23] |
Algebroid nature of the characteristic classes of flat bundles Homotopy and Geometry, Banach Center Publications, Volume 45, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa 1998, 199-224. format dvi format ps abstract |
[22] |
Fibre integral in regular Lie algebroids New Developments in Differential Geometry, Budapest 1996, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, Dordrecht, 1999, 173-202. Proceedings of the Conference on Differential Geometry, Budapest, Hungary, 27-30 July 1996. format dvi format ps abstract |
[21] |
Bott's Vanishing Theorem for Lie Algebroids [Lf] Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 348, Nu 6, June 1996. format dvi format pdf format ps abstract |
[20] |
Invariant Cohomology of Regular Lie Algebroids ANALYSIS and GEOMETRY in FOLIATED MANIFOLDS, World Scientific, Singapure 1995, 137-151; Proceedings of the VII International Collóquium on Differential Geometry, Santiago de Compostela, Spain 26-30 July, 1994. format dvi format ps abstract |
[19] |
Tangential Chern-Weil homomorphism GEOMETRIC STUDY OF FOLIATIONS, World Scientific, Singapure, 1994, 327-344; Proceedings of the International Symposium/Workshop, 15-26 Nov 1993, Tokyo, Japan. format dvi format ps format pdf abstract |
[18] |
Characteristic classes of regular Lie algebroids – a sketch The Proceedings of the Winter School on Geometry and Physics, SRNI, January 1991, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II - numero 30 - anno 1993, 71-94. format pdf abstract |
[17] |
The Chern-Weil Homomorphism of regular Lie Algebroids (Praca habilitacyjna), Politechnika £ódzka, Zeszyty Naukowe Nr 652, £ódŸ 1992. |
[16] |
A criterion for the Minimal Closedness of the Lie Subalgebra Corresponding to a Connected Nonclosed Lie Subgroup [Lf] REVISTA MATEMATICA de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Vol 4, nú 2 y 3, 1991. format pdf abstract |
[15] |
The Chern-Weil Homomorphism of regular Lie Algebroids REPRINT: UNIVERSITE CLAUDE BERNARD – LYON 1, Publications du Départment de Mathématiques, nouvelle série, 1991, 1-70. format dvi format ps format pdf abstract |
[14] |
About Stefan's definition of a foliation with singularities: a reduction of the axioms [Lf] Bull. Soc. Math. France, 118, 1990, p.391-394. format dvi format pdf format ps abstract |
[13] |
Lie algebroid of a principal fibre bundle UNIVERSITE CLAUDE BERNARD-LYON 1, Publications du Departement de Mathematiques, Fascicule 1/A - 1989, p. 1-67. format pdf |
[12] |
Pontryagin algebra of a transitive Lie algebroid Proceedings of the Winter School on Geometry and Physics, SRNI, 7-14 January, 1989, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II - numero 22 - 1989, 117-126. format pdf abstract |
[11] |
Some invariants of Lie algebroids of principal fibre bundles Proceedings of the Winter School on Geometry and Physics, SRNI, 9-16 January, 1988, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II - numero 21 - 1989, 235-258. |
[10] |
Lie algebroid of a principal fibre bundle – three equivalent definitions Prace naukowe Politechniki Szczeciñskiej, Nr 11, Instytut Matematyki, 1988, 123-145. abstract |
[9] |
Pradines-type groupoids Proceedings of the Winter School on Geometry and Physics, SRNI, 10-17 January, 1987, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II - numero 16 - 1987, 125-143. format dvi format ps format pdf |
[8] |
Some generalization of Godement's theorem on division Proceedings of the Winter School on Geometry and Physics, SRNI, 10-17 January, 1987, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II - numero 16 - 1987, 119-124. format dvi format ps format pdf abstract |
[7] |
Exponential mapping for Lie groupoids. Applications [Lf] Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol.LIV, 1987, Fasc.1, 39-48. format pdf abstract |
[6] |
Characteristic classes of some Pradines-type groupoids and a generalization of the Bott Vanishing Theorem DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Proceedings of the Conference, August 24-30, 1986, Brno, Czechoslovakia, 189-198. format dvi format ps format pdf abstract |
[5] |
Complete differentials of higher order in linear field modules [Lf] Annales Polonici Mathematici, XLIV, 1984, 129-153. format pdf abstract |
[4] |
Exponential mapping for Lie groupoids [Lf] Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol.XLVII, 1982, Fasc.2, 267-282. format pdf abstract |
[3] |
Topological Lie subgroupoids Demostratio Mathematica, Vol.XIII, No3, 1980, 585-596. Abstract: This paper concerns the general theory of Lie groupoids. It is a continuation of [4] above. |
[2] |
with Kowalczyk Adam, A local property of the subspaces of Euclidean differential spaces
Demostratio Mathematica, Vol. XI, No4, 1978, 875-885. format dvi format ps format pdf abstract |
[1] |
The Lie Groupoids and Lie Algebroids in Differential Geometry of higher order REPRINT: Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the Czechoslovakian-GDR-Polish Scientific School on Differential Geometry, Boszkowo, Poland, February 1-10, 1978, Scientific communications, Part 2, 135-146. format dvi format ps format pdf |