Pubblicazioni del Prof. TELEMAN NECULAI SINEL
1.A geometrical definition of some Andre Weil's forms which can be
associated with an infinitesimal connection, St. Cerc. Math. Tom.18, No.
5, Bucarest (1966) 753-762.
2.Classification of homogeneous relativistic manifolds, St. Cerc.
Mat. Tom. 20. No. 1, Bucarest, (1968) 67-125.
3.Fibre bundles and cohomology of Lie algebras, Symposia
Mathematica, Alta Mathematica, X, Bologna (1972) 173-197.
4.A characteristic ring of a Lie algebra extension, Nota I. Atti
Acad. Naz. Lincei, Serie VIII, LII, fasc. 4, Roma (Aprile 1972)
5.A characteristic ring of a Lie algebra extension, Nota II. Atti
Acad. Naz. Lincei, Serie VIII, LII, fasc. 5, Roma, (Maggio 1972)
6.Fibre bundles with involution and characteristic classes, Atti
Acad. Naz. Lincei, Serie VIII, LIV, fasc. 1, Roma, (gennaio 1973)
7.A variant construction of Stiefel-Whitney classes of a topological
manifold, Atti Acad. Naz. Lincei, Serie VIII , LIV, fasc. 3, Roma (1973)
8.Characteristic classes of fibre bundles with involution, Annali di
Mat. Pura e Appl., Serie IV, Tom. CI, Bologna (1974) 65-90.
9.Characteristic classes of S1-pseudo-actions in fibre bundles, Nota
I. Atti Acad. Naz. Lincei, Serie LVII, fasc. 4 (1974).
10.Characteristic classes of S1-pseudo-actions in fibre bundles,
Nota II. Chern classes, Atti Acad. Naz. Lincei, Serie VIII, 6 (1975)
11.Alexander-Spanier cohomology of higher order, Atti Acad. Naz.
Lincei, LVIII, 3 (1975) 360-369.
12.Cohomology of Lie algebras, Trieste Publications: IAEA-SMR-11/60,
III, Global Analysis and its applications (1972) 601-608.
13.Global Analysis on PL-manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,
Vol.256, 1979, 49-88.
14.Combinatorial Hodge Theory and Signature Theorem, Proceedings of
Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc., 36,1980, 287-292.
15.Combinatorial Hodge Theory and Signature Operator, Inventiones
Mathematicae 61 (1980) 227-249.
16.The excision Theorem for Signature Operators, Pisa (preprint).
17.The Index of Signature Operators on Lipschitz Manifolds, Publ.
Math. I.H.E.S., 58 (1873) 39-78.
18.(con D. Sullivan), An analytical proof of Novikov's theorem on
topological invariance of the rational Pontrjagin classes, Publ. Math.
I.H.E.S., 58 (1983) , 79-83.
19.Fredholm Operators on Locally-compact Spaces, Annali di
Matematica Pura ed Applicata CXXXVIII (1984) 191-210.
20.The Index Theorem for Topological Manifolds, Acta Mathematica 153
(1984) 117-152.
21.Operatori Fredholm su spazi localmente compatti, Rend. Univ.
Pavia (1985) (invited talk).
22.Transversality and the Index Theorem, Operator Theory and
Integral Equations 8 (1985) 693-719 (lavoro invitato in volume
23.Algebras of Distributions, (October 1987) (SUNY - Stony Brook
24.The algebra of piecewise differentiable currents on smooth
manifolds, Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol. 99(1991), 191-214.
25.Characteristic classes of piecewise, differentiable affine
connections on smooth manifolds, Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol. 99
(1991), 215-222.
26.Catastrophe Theory, Encyclopedia. Italiana "Treccani",
(Articolo espositorio), 1993.
27.Differential Topology, Encyclopedia Italiana
"Treccani", (Articolo spositorio).
28.(joint with D. Sullivan), Index Theory on quasi-conformal
manifolds (Manuscript 1990-1991). SUNY - Stony Brook.
31. (joint with A. Connes , D. Sullivan) Chern - Weil Theory on
quasi-conformal manifolds, Stony Brook Mathematics Istitute Publications,
Marzo 1994.
32. (joint with A. Connes, D. Sullivan): Formules locales
topologiques des classes de Pontrjagin. Comptes Rendus Acad. Scien. Paris,
Settembre 1994.
33. (joint with A. Connes, D. Sullivan): Quasiconformal mappings,
operators on
Hilbert spaces, and local formulae for characteristic
classes, I.H.E.S. Preprint Series, Math., July 1994.
34. N. Teleman A. Connes, D. Sullivan: Quasiconformal Mappings,
Operators on Hilbert Spaces, and Local Formulae for Characteristic
Classes. Topology, Vol. 33, Nr. 4, p. 663-681, 1994.
Review of the American Mathematical Society.
35. From Index Theory to Noncommutative Differential Geometry.
N.A.T.O. International Summer School on Theoretical Physics, Les Houches,
France, 1995. A. Connes, K. Gawedzki and J. Zinn-Justin, Eds.: Quantum
Symmetries, 1998, Elsevier. ISBN: 0444 82867 2.
36. Dual Quantization of Differential Forms, Curvature and
Characteristic Classes. Preprint Universita' di Ancona, 1997.
37. Microlocalization de l'Homologie de Hochschild, Compt. Rend.
Acad. Scie. Paris, Vol. 326, 1261-1264, 1998 (Article presented by Alain
38. Combinatorial Thom-Hirzebruch Characteristic Classes, IHES/M/57,
pp. 1-25, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette,
Paris, 1999
39. Local Singular Differential Calculus and Chern Character on
Combinatorial Manifolds, IHES/M/72, pp. 1-18, Institut des Hautes Etudes
Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, Paris, 2000
40. Localization de l'Homologie de Hochschild, in: Quantum Geometry
and Fundamental Physical Interactions, Vol. 226, (1999), pp. 7-10.
41 (joint with J-P. Brasselet, A. Legrand): Hochschild homology of
function algebras associated with singularities, Quantum Geometry and
Fundamental Physical Interactions, Vol 226, (1999), pp. 1-6.
42. The Classical Limit in Noncommutative Geometry, IHES/M/59,
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, Paris, 1999
43. Local Singular Differential Calculus and Chern Character on
Combinatorial Manifolds, IHES/M/72, Institut des Hautes Etudes
Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, Paris, 2000
44. Combinatorial Thom - Hirzebruch Characteristic Classes. K -
Theory Vol. 26, 1 - 14, 2002.
45. Localization of the Hochschild Homology Complex for fine
Algebras. Proceedings of the "Bolyai 200" International
Conference on Geometry and Topology, Cluj- Napoca, 1 - 5 October 2002, pp.
169-184, Cluj University Press, 2004.
46. (joint with J-P. Brasselet, A. Legrand): Hochschild Homology of
Singular Algebras. K-Theory, Vol. 29, p. 1 - 14, 2003, Kluwer.
47. Distance Function, Linear Quasi-connections and Chern Character,
IHES Prepublications,
IHES M/04/27, Institut des Haures Etudes
Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, Paris, June 2004.
48. Local Singular Differential Calculus and Chern Character, in
IHES/M/72, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette
(Paris), 2000, pp. 1-18.
49. Combinatorial Thom-Hirzebruch Characteristic Classes, in
K-Theory, N. Teleman, Kluwer, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 2002, pp.
50. Localization of the Hochschild Homology Complex for Fine
Algebras, in Proceedings of the "Bolyai 200" International
Conference on Geometry and Topology, Cluj University Press, Cluj, 2004,
pp. 169-184.
51. J.-P. Brasselet, A. Legrand, N. Teleman, Hochschild Homology of
Singular Algebras, in K-Theory, Kluwer, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 2003,
pp. 1-14.
N. Teleman, Distance Function, Linear Quasi-connection and
Chern Character, in IHES M/04/27, Institut des Hautes Etudes
Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette (Paris), 2004, pp. 1-11.
52. Direct Connections and Chern Character, in Singularity Theory,
Proceedings International Conference "Geometry and Topology of
Singularities, CIRM-Luminy, May 2005, World Scientific Publishing Company,
53. A. S. Mishchenko, N. Teleman, Almost Flat Bundles and Almost
Flat Structures, in Topological Methods in non Linear Analysis, Vol. 26,
N° 1, 2005, pp. 75-88. (Volume dedicated à Olga
54. A. S. Mishchenko, N. Teleman, Spazio Classificante dei Fibrati
Quasi-piatti. (in russo) Lavori del Seminario di Analisi Vettoriale e
Tensoriale, Università Lomonosov, Mosca,Vol. XXVI, pp. 250-268,
55. J. Kubarski, N. Teleman, Linear Direct Connections, in Proc.
7-th Int. Conf. "The Mathematical Legacy of C. Ehresmann,, Betlewo
(Polonia), Maggio 2005, 2006, pp. Banach Center Publications, Polish
Academy of Science.
56. Modified Hochschild and Periodic Cyclic Homology, Institut des
Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Paris, Prepublications N° M/06/59, 17 pp,
57. Modified Hochschild and Periodic Cyclic Homology, in stampa in
Central European Science Journal, Warsaw, 2007.
N. Teleman: Characteristic classes of fibre bundles with involution,
Annali di Mat. Pura e Appl., Serie IV, Tom. CI, Bologna (1974) 65-90.
N. Teleman: Global Analysis on PL-manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math.
Soc., Vol.256, 1979, 49-88.
N. Teleman: Combinatorial Hodge Theory, Inventiones Mathematicae,
Vol. 61, pp.227-249, 1980
N. Teleman: Combinatorial Hodge Theory and Signature Theorem,
Proceedings of
Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc.,
36,1980, 287-292.
N. Teleman: The Index of Signature Operators on Lipschitz manifolds,
Publications Mathematiques Paris, IHES, Vol. 58, pp. 251-290, 1983
D. Sullivan, N. Teleman: An Analytical Proof of Novikov's Theorem on
Rational Pontrjagin Classes, Publications Mathematiques Paris, IHES, Vol.
58, pp. 291-296, 1983.
N. Teleman: The Index Theorem on Topological Manifolds, Acta
Mathematica, vol. 153, pp. 117-153, 1984
A. Connes, D. Sullivan, N. Teleman: Quasi conformal mappings,
Operators in Hilbert Space and Local Formulae for Characteristic,
Topology, Vol. 33, pp. 663-681, 1994
Featured Rewiew,
MathematicalReview 59g:58232 (MR Vol. 58, pg. 4174).
N. Teleman: From Index Theory to Non Commutative Differential
N.A.T.O. International Summer School on Theoretical
Physics, Les Houches, France, 1995.
A. Connes, K. Gawedzki and J. Zinn-Justin, Eds. : Quantum
Symmetries, 1998, Elsevier.
ISBN: 0444 82867 2
N. Teleman: Microlocalization de l'Homologie de Hochschild, Compt.
Rend. Acad. Scie. Paris, Vol. 326, 1261-1264, 1998 (Presentato da Alain
N. Teleman: Combinatorial Thom-Hirzebruch Characteristic Classes,
IHES/M/57, 1999
N. Teleman: Local Singular Differential Calculus and Chern Character
on Combinatorial Manifolds, IHES/M/72, 2000.
N. Teleman: Direct Connections and Chern Character, in Singularity
Theory, Proceedings International Conference "Geometry and Topology
of Singularities, CIRM-Luminy, May 2005, World Scientific Publishing
Company, 2007
A. S. Mishchenko, N. Teleman: Almost Flat Bundles and Almost Flat
Structures, in Topological Methods in non Linear Analysis, Vol. 26, N°
1, 2005, pp. 75-88. (Volume dedicated à Olga Ladyzhenskaya).
A. S. Mishchenko, N. Teleman: Spazio Classificante dei Fibrati
Quasi-piatti. (in russo) Lavori del Seminario di Analisi Vettoriale e
Tensoriale, Università Lomonosov, Mosca,Vol. XXVI, pp. 250-268,
J. Kubarski, N. Teleman: Linear Direct Connections, in Proc. 7-th
Int. Conf. "The Mathematical Legacy of C. Ehresmann,, Betlewo
(Polonia), Maggio 2005, 2006, pp. Banach Center Publications, Polish
Academy of Science.
N. Teleman: Modified Hochschild and Periodic Cyclic Homology,
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Paris, Prepublications N°
M/06/59, 17 pp, 2006.
N. Teleman: Modified Hochschild and Periodic Cyclic Homology, in
stampa in Central European Science Journal, Warsaw, 2007.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20/11/2007