27.04.2003 (Sunday) is planed as the day of arrival.
The University coach will leave the Institute of Mathematics of the Jagiellonnian University at
3.30 p.m. : Wl. Reymonta Str. 4 (phone: 48-12-6339781). Please write a short e-letter with the information about
the intention like make use the Bus Cracow-Krynica immediately to Robert Wolak
Our first common meal will be the dinner at 7.30 p.m. at "Baśka"
hotel in Krynica (phone: 018 4715888) which is situated on a hill overlooking the railway
station in Krynica.
The return Bus from Krynica to Cracov is planed on 3.05.2003 at about 1.30 pm.
Kraków can be reached easily from Warsaw by fast trains which leave Warszawa Centralna
railway station at 6:00, 7:00 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 11:50, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:50.
The journey, without any stop, takes about 2.35 h, unfortunately the reservation is
obligatory (http://www.pkp.com.pl).
From the railway station Kraków Główny you should take tram no 15 and descend at the fifth
stop at the corner of Oleandry Str. At the end of this street (about 200 m) there is
the building of the Institute. The ticket can be bought from the driver and costs
2.70 PLN, in kiosks 2.20 PLN.
There are two direct trains from Warsaw to Krynica: dep. Warszawa Centralna 6:00,
arr. Krynica 12:57.
In case of any problem please contact Robert Wolak at wolak@im.uj.edu.pl or
+48601546642@text.plusgsm.pl (e-mail address of the mobile phone) so that we can plan
your journey to Krynica. You can also contact Robert Wolak on his mobile phone:
0048601546642 from outside Poland or 0601546642 in Poland.
If you have not sent yet the full registration or the title of your lecture or
the abstract please do it as quickly as possible.
The conference is included in the world Atlas of conferences "Atlas Mathematical Conference Abstracts"
Therefore our conference has been set up to use the services of Atlas Mathematical Conference Abstracts. Please be so kind and submit also your abstract at
and to view submitted abstracts at
We plan to publish the proceedings in the special issue of the Journal ''Central European Journal of
Mathematics''. Details will be given at the Conference. The deadline for
submition of papers is October 1, 2003.
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