Lie Algebroids, Dynamical Systems and Applications

Luxembourg $\bullet ~$Polish $\bullet ~$Ukrainian Conference

Przemyśl (Poland) - L'viv (Ukraine) 30.04.2007 $-$ 06.05.2007

April 30, 2007 $\bullet \ $ Monday

09.00 -- 09.10 Opening
09.10 -- 10.05 Opening Plenary Lecture N. Teleman
Modified Hochschild and Periodic Cyclic Homology
10.15 -- 11.10 Plenary Lecture K. Abe
On equivariant Lipschitz homeomorphisms of G-manifolds with codimension one orbit
11.10 -- 11.40 Coffee Break

11.40 -- 12.25 Plenary Lecture M. Rubin
Recovering a foliated manifold from its homeomorphism group
12.35 -- 13.05 T. Rybicki (coauthors A. Kowalik, I. Michalik )
On the reconstruction problem for some nontransitive homeomorphism groups
14.35 -- 15.05 N. Mazurenko
Hyperspaces of Riemannian manifolds related to the Hausdorff dimension
15.15 -- 15.40 J. Lech (coauthor T. Rybicki)
Fragmentations of the second kind in some diffeomorphism groups

11.40 -- 12.25 Plenary Lecture A. Pavlov
An analogue of the Kazhdan's property (T) for operator algebras
12.35 -- 13.05 M. Nguiffo Boyom
Differential of superorder following Koszul and KV cohomology following Nijenhuis
14.35 -- 15.05 Y. Frégier
S-cohomologie vs Diagram cohomology
15.10 -- 15.40 A. Kotov
On some generalizations of the Poisson sigma model

16.00 Meeting with the Mayor of the Przemyśl in the Municipal Government Office

May 1, 2007 $\bullet \ $ Tuesday

09.00 -- 09.55 Plenary Lecture V. Ovsienko
Projective structures on smooth manifolds: homotopy and invariant differential operators
10.10 -- 11.05 Plenary Lecture N. Poncin (coauthor M. Ammar )
Poisson cohomology and deformation quantization
11.05 -- 11.35 Coffee Break

11.35 -- 12.20 Plenary Lecture S. Maksymenko
Presentation for the fundamental groups of the orbits of Morse functions on surfaces
12.30 -- 13.15 Plenary Lecture G. Kass
Examples of multiple solutions for the Yamabe problem on scalar curvature
14.45 -- 15.25 Plenary Lecture R. Matsyuk
A note on the Lagrange differential in bigraded module of vertical tangent bundle valued forms
15.35 -- 16.15 Plenary Lecture P. Popescu
Totally singular Lagrangians and affine hamiltonians
16.25 -- 16.55 I. Mykytyuk
Orbits structure of co-adjoint action and bystages hypothesis
17.00 -- 17.30 T. Krantz
Holonomy representations admitting two pairs of supplementary invariant subspaces
17.35 -- 18.05 D. Szeghy
The order of the differentablity of horizons

11.35 -- 12.20 Plenary Lecture A. Rodrigues
Involutive Lie Pseudogroups and Filtered Lie Algebras
12.30 -- 13.15 Plenary Lecture P. Casati
Vertex Operator construction of coupled soliton hierarchies
14.45 -- 15.25 Plenary Lecture Y. Muranov
Surgery on stratified manifolds
15.35 -- 16.15 Plenary Lecture R. Léandre
Deformation quantization in infinite dimensional analysis
16.25 -- 16.55 F. Radoux
Natural and projectively equivariant quantization
17.00 -- 17.30 P. Tadeev
The Bases of Differential Geometry of Vector Field in n-dimensional Space of Affine Connection
17.35 -- 18.05 O. Kravchuk
To Invariant Normales of Vector Field in Four-Dimmentional Affine Space
18.30 Bonfire and Guitars

May 2, 2007 $\bullet \ $ Wednesday

08.00 - The journey to L'viv
10 -12 Walk in the center of L'viv
12 - Accommodation in hotels
13.00 LUNCH
15.00 L'viv Picture Galery

May 3, 2007 $\bullet \ $ Thursday

09.00 -- 09.55 Plenary Lecture Y. Aminov
Electron motion and ruled surfaces
09.55 -- 10.20 Coffee Break
10.20 -- 11.15 Plenary Lecture J. Grabowski (coauthor M. Rotkiewicz )
Higher vector bundles and multigraded manifolds

11.30 -- 12.15 Plenary Lecture V. Sharko
Flows and L-2 invariants
13.45 -- 14.30 Plenary Lecture J. Eichhorn
Hilbert diffeomorphism groups and their geometry for open manifolds
14.40 -- 15.25 Plenary Lecture J. Kubarski
Flat connections with singularities in some Lie algebroids

11.30 -- 12.15 Plenary Lecture T. Banakh
Homeomorphism groups of non-compact manifolds
13.45 -- 14.30 Plenary Lecture J. Jaworowski
Maps of G-manifolds
14.40 -- 15.25 Plenary Lecture I. Protasov
Topological groups through the looking glass

15.30 -- 16.00 Yaroslav Prytula
On history of the L'viv School of Mathamatics
EXCURSION to the Lychakov Cementary; Stefan Banach's grave

May 4, 2007 $\bullet \ $ Friday

09.00 -- 09.55 Plenary Lecture G. Hall
Projective Structure and the Principle of Equivalence in General Relativity
09.55 -- 10.20 Coffee Break
10.20 -- 11.15 Plenary Lecture M. Zarichnyi
Universal maps of infinite-dimensional manifolds

11.30 -- 12.15 Plenary Lecture B. Hajduk
Singular symplectic forms and round functions
13.45 -- 14.30 Plenary Lecture W. Sarlet
Geometric calculus associated to second-order dynamics and applications
14.40 -- 15.05 N. Pyrch
Generalized retracts concerned to free topoplogical groups
15.10 -- 15.35 I. Yurchuk
About topological equivalence of some functions
15.40 -- 16.05 O. Petrenko
Around Birkhoff Theorem

11.30 -- 12.15 Plenary Lecture H. Maakestad
Jetbundles on flagvarieties
13.45 -- 14.30 Plenary Lecture P. Mormul
The least Underdetermined systems of ODEs - geometric approach of E.Cartan
14.40 -- 15.05 R. Voytsitskyy
ANR-property of hyperspaces with the Attouch-Wets topology
15.10 -- 15.35 A. K. Kwaśniewski
On Ivan Bernoulli Series Universalissima
15.40 -- 16.05 E. Krot-Sieniawska
Remarks on Extended Operator Calculus
16.10 -- 16.50 Plenary Lecture M. Tosun
On the Sectional Curvatures of Time Like Generalized Ruled Surfaces in MATH
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18.00 Conference Party

May 5, 2007 $\bullet \ $ Saturday

09.00 -- 09.55 Plenary Lecture V. Pelykh
Node points of Sen-Witten equations and positive energy theorem
10.05 -- 11.00 Plenary Lecture A. Sharkovsky
A little from history, a little from topology and dynamical systems
11.00 -- 11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 -- 12.00 O. Shabat
Manifolds modeled on the direct limits of Tychonov cubes
12.10 -- 12.40 L. Bazylevych
Hyperspaces of max-plus convex sets which are infinite-dimensional manifolds
12.50 -- 13.20 I. Zarichnyi (coauthor T. Banakh)
Topological classification of the hyperspaces of closed convex subsets of a Banach space
13.30 -- 14.15 Closing Plenary Lecture J.-C. Hausmann
The topology and geometry of polygon spaces
14.15 Closing Ceremony
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FREE TIME, Excursions
20.00 First bus to Przemyśl (18 places)
accommodation in the State High School of East Europe, Przemyśl

May 6, 2007 $\bullet \ $ Sunday

09.00 Second bus to Przemyśl (53 places)