ISSN: 0137-6934(p) 1730-6299(e) |
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Volume 76
Geometry and topology of manifolds
Editors: Jan Kubarski, Jean Pradines, Tomasz Rybicki and Robert Wolak
Preface, 5
Conference photos, 7-8
Contents, 9-10
Organizers and Scientific Commitee, 11-12
List of Participants, 13-15
Programme of the Conference, 17-19
Charles Ehresmann, 23-25
P. Molino (speach read by Jean Pradines), 26
W.-T. Wu (speach read by Jean Pradines), 26
A. Haefliger (speach read by Jean Pradines), 26-27
How Charles Ehresmann's vision of geometry developed with time
Andrée C. Ehresmann
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 29-34
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Charles Ehresmann's concepts in differential geometry
- Paulette Libermann
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 35-50
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Three themes in the work of Charles Ehresmann: local-to-global; groupoids; higher dimensions
Ronald Brown
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 51-63
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The works of Charles Ehresmann on connections: from Cartan connections to connections on fibre bundles
- Charles-Michel Marle
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 65-86
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In Ehresmann's footsteps: from group geometries to groupoid geometries
- Jean Pradines
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 87-157
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Evolution of Eresmann's jet theory
Włodzimierz M. Tulczyjew
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 159-176
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Functorial prolongations of Lie groupoids
Ivan Kolář
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 177-184
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Principal bundles, groupoids, and connections
Anders Kock
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 185-200
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Contact and equivalence of submanifolds of homogeneous spaces
Alexandre A. M. Rodrigues
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 201-206
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Holonomy orbits of the snake charmer algorithm
Jean-Claude Hausmann, Eugenio Rodriguez
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 207-219
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Contribution of noncommutative geometry to index theory on singular manifolds
Bertrand Monthubert
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 221-237
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On generalized Chern classes and Chern numbers of irreducible complex algebraic varieties with arbitrary
Wen-tsun Wu
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 239-242
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K-theory over C*
Alexandr S. Mishchenko
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 245-266
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Characteristic numbers, bordism theory and the Novikov conjecture for open manifolds
Jürgen Eichhorn
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 269-312
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On quantum and classical Poisson algebras
Janusz Grabowski, Norbert Poncin
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 313-324
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Singular Poisson–Kähler geometry of certain adjoint quotients
Johannes Huebschmann
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 325-347
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Diffeology of the infinite Hopf fibration
Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 349-393
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A few remarks on the geometry of the space of leaf closures of a Riemannian foliation
Małgorzata Józefowicz, R. Wolak
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 395-409
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Loop spaces and Riemann-Hilbert problems
G. Khimshiashvili
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 411-424
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Linear direct connections
Jan Kubarski, Nicolae Teleman
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 425-436
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Groups of Cr,s-diffeomorphisms related to a foliation
Jacek Lech, Tomasz Rybicki
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 437-450
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Lagrangians and hamiltonians on affine bundles and higher order geometry
Paul Popescu, Marcela Popescu
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 451-469
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Singular foliations with Ehresmann connections and their holonomy groupoids
Nina I. Zhukova
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 471-490
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The reduction of the standard k
-cosymplectic manifold associated to a regular lagrangian
Adara M. Blaga
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 491-495
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Non-existence of exchange transformations of iterated jet functors
Miroslav Doupovec, Włodzimierz M. Mikulski
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 497-504
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Deformations of structures, embedding of a Riemannian manifold in a Kählerian one and geometric antigravitation
Alexander A. Ermolitski
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 505-514
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Some lagrangian invariants of symplectic manifolds
Michel Nguiffo Boyom
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 515-525
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Holonomy groups of complete flat manifolds
Michał Sadowski
Banach Center Publ. 76 (2007), 527-532
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