Geometry and Topology of Manifolds in previous years and links to other conference pages

3rd Announcement
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Krynica on the Web (Polish version only)

2nd Announcement
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- Polish version tex dvi

Programme of the conference



   New!  Abstracts:   dvi  ps

  We are pleased to inform that the third conference of the cycle initiated in 1998 with a meeting in Konopnica will be organized as in 1999 in Krynica from 29.04.2001 to 5.05.2001 (Poland).
  The main purpose of the conference is to present an overwiew of principal directions of research conducted in differential geometry, topology and analysis on manifolds and their applications, mainly (but not only) to Lie algebroids and related topics. We would like to attract attention to:

  • Riemannian, symplectic and Poisson manifolds
  • Lie groups, Lie groupoids, Lie algebroids and Lie-Rinehart algebras
  • foliations
  • characteristic classes
  We would be glad if you contribute to the success of the conference by giving a lecture, or simply by taking part in discussions.
  Participants of the Conference will be lodged in Krynica in the "Ba�ka" Hotel of University of Mining and Metalurgy .

Organizers | Registration | Participants | Contact
Last Modified 09/25/2008 13:13:05