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[International Workshop at Banach Center, Warsaw, Poland, June 12-18, 2000]

[Lie Algebroids and Related Topics in Differential Geometry]
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  Lie Algebroids, Banach Center Publications, Volume 54
Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa 2001
  1. Bogdan Balcerzak, Jan Kubarski and Witold Walas
    Primary characteristic homomorphism of pairs of Lie algebroids and Mackenzie algebroid  ps  dvi 
  2. Michel Nguiffo Boyom
    Cohomology of Koszul-Vinberg algebroids and Poisson manifolds, I  ps  dvi 
  3. Ronal Brown
    Holonomy and monodromy groupoids  ps  dvi 
  4. José F. Cariñena and Eduardo Martínez
    Lie algebroid generalization of geometric mechanics  ps  dvi 
  5. Claire Debord
    Local integration of Lie algebroids  ps  dvi 
  6. Jean-Paul Dufour
    Normal forms for Lie algebroids  ps  dvi 
  7. Janusz Grabowski and Katarzyna Grabowska
    The Lie algebra of a Lie algebroid  ps  dvi 
  8. David Iglesias, Belen Lopez, Juan C. Marrero and Edith Padron
    Triangular generalized Lie bialgebroids: homology and cohomology
      ps  dvi 
  9. Jan Kubarski
    The Weil algebra and the secondary characteristic homomorphism of regular Lie algebroids  ps  dvi 
  10. Krzysztof Lisiecki
    Groupoids in Sikorski's spaces, connections and the Chern-Weil
      ps  dvi 
  11. Marcela Popescu and Paul Popescu
    Geometric objects defined by almost Lie structures  ps  dvi 
  12. Paul Popescu and Marcela Popescu
    Anchored vector bundles and Lie algebroids  ps  dvi 
  13. Tomasz Rybicki
    On the group of Lagrangian bisections of a symplectic groupoid  ps  dvi 
  14. Yurii Vorobjev
    Coupling tensors and Poisson geometry near a single symplectic leaf  ps  dvi 

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