- I Minikonferencja Geometria i
Topologia Rozmaitości, Konopnica, 1998
- 2nd Conference Geometry
and Topology of Manifolds, Krynica, 1999
- Forum
Geometrii, Warszawa, 2000
- International Workshop at the International Stefan Banach Center: Lie
Algebroids and Related Topics in Differential Geometry, Warsaw, 2000
- 3rd International Conference Geometry and
Topology of Manifolds, Krynica, 2001
4th International Conference Geometry and
Topology of Manifolds, Krynica, 04.29 - 05.04.2002
5th International Conference Geometry and
Topology of Manifolds, Krynica-Zdrój, 04.27 - 05.03.2003
6th International Conference Geometry and
Topology of Manifolds, Krynica-Zdrój, 05.02 - 05.08.2004
7th International Conference Geometry and
Topology of Manifolds, Będlewo, 08.02 - 15.08.2005
8th International Luxembourg-Polish-Ukrainian Conference Geometry and
Topology of Manifolds, Przemyśl - Lviv, 29.04 - 06.05.2007